Flexible tile of Shinglas.
In Belarus people estimate practical mind, safety and safety. Shinglas tile differs in these qualities. This soft roof draws attention thanks to a combination of beautiful characteristics and beautiful outer side.
The manufacturing techniques of a flexible tile of chinglas are developed so that completely possible instructions of temperature, just as in and rain wind were taken into account. It is very considerable for the zone RB where not a rarity strict climate.
The flexible tile of Shinglas, armiroujuchtchej steklokholstovoj of the basis and mass of asphalt carried on it is produced. Astride the document is covered with basaltique granoulyatom. It has a structure in dense silk fabrics and on racks to mechanical damages.
Such soft roof of raw materials which is eco-friendly inherent and sure for the person is produced. It does not evaporate harmful substances and does not pollute the environment. Thus, we can tell that, having decided to buy shinglas, we will get you a convenient and practical roof which, moreover, ignore to serve, it is very long.
Such roof will not be frightened of any time. It it is sure it is recorded and all service life keeps natural color. The choice of flowers is quite broad here, and everyone will be able to find that there is more taste. Several Parisian houses use the proof for this purpose.
Plasticity of a cover perhaps does the packing on any forms of the area. It allows to equip a roof of any configuration, even the most difficult.
Importing also choumopoglochtchajuchtchie of property of a flexible tile of asphalt. Besides it does not burn that uses protection against the fire.
The price roofed not such top, as about some compliances. Besides we offer delivery roofed directly to your house. We will be able to breathe as we can consider the number of the document.