Juta (Utah)
Tightness and paroizolyatsiya from very important conditions necessary for normal functioning of a roof. What, qualitative there were documents of a roof if not to protect a roof against influence of excessive humidity and its accumulation, it can harmful be felt its heat-insulating properties.
Therefore he is simply necessary to buy the relevant documents. As we offer it at the small price. Our society appears in Paris and carries out delivery of goods according to all territories of RB.
We offer you JUTA film. It will provide exact protection against excessive humidity and condensat. Application of a film of the back beach will confirm integrity of the heat-insulating properties and therefore, and a convenient residence in the building.
The main tasks which are carried out by a film, juta, the following:
- 1. The prevention of attempt in outeplitel 'humidity of an external part. It is considerable as excessive humidity is negatively felt properties, athermanes, roofs.
- 2. The prevention of accumulation of condensat in the heat-insulating document.
gidro - And paroizolyatsionnoe the cover promotes at an exit from steam outside.
Distribution which is provided thanks to this protective film continues service life roofed. The roof is not heated so strongly internal part, and the humidity entering outside regularly and quickly will move away from a roof and not to get vovnoutr'.
Thus, cheap you will be able to confirm in the building protection against unwanted influences.