metallotcherepitsa RUUKKI


Ruukki - the excellent choice

Ruukki roofed it is used on all aspects of roofs, irrespective of a configuration and complexity. The qualitative documents which were a tile basis will store your untouched roof of long years. Besides it will cause a stir externally attractive.

On sheets of a profile, metallotcherepitsy Ruukki, quality steel is used. And besides, it is made only at the Rautaruukki plants. It confirms quality of metal. Special polymérique a cover confirms longevity of a final product and possibility of the use in any climatic conditions.

In Belarus at various moments in a year we can observe a difference of temperatures therefore roofed has to correspond to local conditions. Being submitted atmospheric influences, it has to store more and esthetic properties. In these requirements metallotcherepitsa in Rououkki quite answers.

The protective cover, polymérique metallotcherepitsy in stretching and reduction does not break up that it is very considerable for the prevention of corrosion of metal. Covered Ruukki many iznosostojki. In creation of documents the scheme of the protection including several levels was developed. It confirms long-term service life of steel sheets.

Cover options

  • polyémission – a cover of a class, ekonom, showing quite well for the internal squares, just as for external medicines which are not asking special conditions. Thickness covered, polyéthérée is not less than 20 microns.
  • Opaque polyémission, thanks to extraordinary structure, gives to a facade and krovle the invasion determined by the nobility. Besides opaque polyémission steady in influence of ultraviolet rays and in mechanical damages, has saturated deep color. Thickness of a cover subdues polyéthérée not less than 35 microns.
  • Poural – is possible, the most perfect roofed for profiles of a class, premioum. Thanks to density, poural steady in influence of chemical aggressive substances and ultra-violet radiation. poural cover thickness, is not less than 50 microns.
  • Mat, poural – a cover, metallotcherepitsy developed by specialists of the company of Ryuyukki in base, poliouretana. In all advantages covered poliouretana and has no explosion. Thickness covered a mat, pourala guarantees 50 microns up to 50 years of service, metallotcherepitsy not less.

Really creators also considered geometry of products. As sheets rose vnakhlest, the drawing, plitok, tiles has to coincide. The quality equipment used to production confirms equal narezanie of sheets, metallotcherepitsy. Eventually the drawing of a roof makes success equal and harmonious.

polymérique cover product, tsvetooustojtchivo. In the sun it does not fade and does not change a shade. Decades the roof of your house will keep the color chosen by you.

How to order?

  • To phone to +33 (454) 555-51-51, +33 (455) 555-51-51
  • To write on
  • To coordinate the sums or the plan of a roof
  • To choose the document
  • To receive us the offer of the price

Account and delivery

  • We will keep exact count of number of necessary documents
  • We will give consultation at the choice of optimal variants
  • We will organize delivery to your subject in Paris and in any settlement of Belarus

Where we appear



Paris. Parisian market P-55 Pavilion.

+33 (454) 555-51-51
+33 (455) 555-51-51